Sunday, September 1, 2013


Why I'm a Mormon

Recently, I decided to write down some of the primary reasons I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Regardless of your religion or the contents of your faith, I think you'll notice these concepts have a positive influence in your life as well.

Focus on the Family

Church programs strengthen families through instruction, activities, and constant reminders to put family ahead of other worldly concerns.  

Personal Improvement

Through scripture reading, keeping my family histories, and writing my personal history, I understand my life as part of a greater narrative.  This inspires and gives me faith.

My observance of religious practices which include Sabbath day observance, avoiding harmful substances, tithes and offerings, and prayer enlarges my capacity to serve others.

Moral Principles

I don't have thousands of years to derive a strong moral code from painful experience.  I simply cannot attempt to reinvent the wheel of moral judgment and often need to defer to those principles that have stood the test of time.  

Symbolism & Imagery

Rising from the water as I young boy, I was born again.  Taking the emblems of Christ I unite with His cause to love others and find forgiveness for myself.  Wearing white I see myself and others in the purity we shall have.  Kneeling in prayer, I recognize the limits of my understanding and knowledge.

Eternal Life & Progression

Though I die, there is a special feeling that families and friends can be together forever.  Though I have no empirical knowledge of it, the spiritual knowledge of eternal life and progression generates a higher sense of meaning and affection toward those I love.


Deep in my soul there is a door.  If opened, it frees me from the confinement of lower behaviors.  Behind that door I find the ability to become part of the larger brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity.  I give myself up to the whole and find myself.  

Jesus Christ

There is someone knocking on that internal door.  When I open up and serve Him, I serve you.  When I see his humility and perseverance over pain and suffering, I know there is an end to mine.  As he forgives you, so do I.

Thank you for sharing this and your mission statement!
Thanks April, glad you liked it!
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